美国留学 教你怎样写读书计划 - 七


"From reading various research papers and journals, along with joining seminars and training programs, I have found that the counseling service currently has many problems. After receiving my degree, I hope to help solve them."
"From my experiences in counseling, I am aware that there are three basic problems confronting Taiwan's counseling field. First, social change has outpaced the capacities of existing social programs. For example, schools and social programs are unable to handle the growing problem of juvenile delinquency. Second, there are a lack of appropriate social training programs to train current and new social workers to deal with all the problems they may encounter. Third, Chinese culture is centered around the family unit while Western culture emphasizes the individual. This leads to value conflicts between Western-trained counselors and Chinese patients."
  The more specifically and concretely you describe your experiences and opinions, the more convincing they will be and, consequently, the more you will reveal about yourself. So when writing you essay, keep reminding yourself SHOW, DON'T TELL.
Application Essay Openings
  The purpose of the application essay's first paragraph, its introduction, is to grab the reader's attention and to introduce what will be discussed in detail in the rest of the essay.
  The essay's first paragraph is perhaps its most important. it will set the reader's overall impression of the essay. If your first paragraph is well-written and interesting, the reader will be more inclined to enjoy the rest of the essay. Likewise, if your first paragraph is dull, the reader may not be interested in reading your essay.
  Because the first paragraph is so important, you should make spend extra effor writing it. When should you start thinking about your first paragraph? Because it sets the framework for the topics you cover in the rest of the essay, you can actually save writing the first paragraph for after you have written the body of the essay and have a better idea about the main point and focus of your essay.
The Application Essay Body
  In the body of your essay, the paragraphs following the introduction, you should elaborate on topics mentioned in your opening paragraph. You can also include additional information about your background and experiences. Remember through, there is no need to detail every relevant part of your background or every relevant experience, that is the purpose of the resume. You merely need to write enough to make graduate schools interested in your application and to show them you have an adequate understanding of the field you wish to pursue. You can do this by referring to classes, work experiences, books, etc.
  In the body or your essay, there is no need to balance your focus, to write the same amount on every topic. For example, you do not need to write exactly one paragraph each on your background, your academic experiences, your work experiences, your career goals, etc. Rather, try to focus on the most compelling, interesting, and convincing things you can. You can briefly mention other relevant facts by relating them to the most important points.

