美国留学 教你怎样写读书计划 - 三


Who or what has been the biggest influence on your academic development and why?
Career Plans:
1、What are your short and long-term career plans? How certain are you of them?
2、How will pursuing a graduate degree help you reach your career goals?
3、What current and past work experiences have you had? What were the most important things that you learned from them?
Extracurricular activities:
1、What hobbies do you do in your free time?
2、What clubs or other extracurricular activities did you participate in during college? Did you hold any leadership positions?
3、Have you won any awards for your extracurricular achievements?
4、Have you done any volunteer work?
Personal Questions:
1、Is there anything impressive about your background (e.g. experiences, accomplishments, family history, cultural background)?
2、Did you have to overcome any unique obstacles growing up?
Personality Questions:
1、Are you responsible? If yes, describe how.
2、Are you creative? If yes, describe how.
3、Are you honest? If yes, describe how.
4、Are you independent? If yes, describe how.
5、Are you mature? If yes, describe how.
6、Are you hard-working? If yes, describe how.
7、Are you confident? If yes, describe how.
Sample Essay Questions
  Looking at sample questions is a good way to get a feeling for the types of questions that graduate schools ask in their applications. Writing answers to some of the questions is one way to improve your essay writing. Here are some essay questions similar to those used by actual schools.
General Questions for Masters and Doctoral Programs
Please tell us your reasons for applying for graduate study, your particular area(s) of specialization within your field of study, your professional career plans, and any additional information that you want the admission committee to know. Your answer should not be longer than two pages.
Please tell us your reasons for pursuing graduate study and the strengths and weaknesses of your preparation for graduate study in your proposed field. Limit your answer to one page.
Please submit a statement of your academic and future career plans as they relate to the field which you wish to study. Your statement may not exceed 1000 words.
Questions for Business Schools (Answers are generally between 500-1000 words)
Why do you want an MBA? What do you expect to gain from this degree?
What are your career objectives for the next five years? fifteen years? What is your ultimate career objective?
Describe an ethical dilemma you once had to face and how handled it.
What has been your single, most important achievement to date?
What are your main interests outside your job or school? Why do you enjoy them?
Other than business management, what are some other jobs or careers that you have considered?
What do you consider your strongest personality traits? What traits would you most like to change?
Describe a significant managerial or other work experience that you have had.

When to Begin Writing
  The final draft of your essay should read like a polished piece of writing. Such an essay will not only be grammatically sound but also have a logical structure. Writing such an essay is difficult. You will probably revise each essay a number of times.
  Plan on spending ten to twenty hours on each essay. Of course, this does not mean that you will be working twenty hours straight. You should start on your essays as early as possible after you have decided the field(s) of graduate study you want to pursue. This means you may be starting weeks, or even months, before the application deadline.

