美国留学 教你怎样写读书计划 - 十


The Achievement Essay:
  "What do you consider to have been your single most important achievement to date?"
  Describe the problem you faced, the steps you took to deal with it, and how you solved it. The importance of your achievement is not all that important. What is important is revealing how you deal with challenging situations. In your answer try to show that you have creativity, initiative and focus.
The Extracurricular Activity Essay:
  "Describe the non-professional activities you enjoy."
  This is not a trick question. You do not need to describe only hobbies that are business related. Admissions committees care about what you enjoy outside of work because they want to know that you are a likable person who will fit into their school's student body.
The Character Essay:
  "What do you consider your best character traits? Which traits would you most like to change"
  You do not have to answer this question completely honestly. For good traits, try to show that you possess traits that will help you do well in an M.B.A. program, such as the ability to work with others, the ability to self-motivate, or strong analytical skills.
  As for weaknesses, do not mention character weaknesses such as dishonesty or greed. Rather, discuss weaknesses that can be strengths in disguise, such as being too details-oriented or too curious. Because many applicants will probably mention the same strengths and weaknesses as you, be sure to provide specific supporting evidence.
The M.B.A. and Career Goals Essay:
  "Why do you want to pursuean M.B.A.? What are your short and long-term career goals?"
  There are many strong applicants competing with you to be accepted. You need to show the admissions committee why you need an M.B.A. and how you will use it. If studying business represents a big career change or is unrelated to what you studied in college, Try to make pursuing an M.B.A. seem compatible with your interests and skills. Your career goals do no have to be overly ambitious. Modest career goals are fine too. If you do have very ambitious goals, you should also have a realistic plan for attaining them.
The Work Experience Essay:
  "Describe a significant managerial or other work experience."
  Remember, your complete work history is already detailed on your resume, so you do not have to restate it when writing this essay. Do not just write a detailed account of all your work responsibilities, but instead focus on one specific project. Try to write about an experience that reveals character strengths or other positives.
The Ethical Essay:
  "Describe an ethical dilemma that you have personally encountered. What alternatives did you consider and why?"
  The admissions committee is asking you to prove to that you will be an upright and moral student and business professional. There is no need to praise yourself too much, you can be modest here. Do not describe problems that you caused yourself. If you have not had much work experience, write about a school experience.

Tips for Writing Law School Essays
  In evaluating application essays, law school admissions officers pay attention both to what you write and to how you write. In terms of content, what you write, the essay should provide another dimension to your application. It should make you stand out and reveal something not already detailed in your application. Do not just recapitulate your grades and LSAT score. Instead, try to write something that can provide evidence you possess the potential to become a successful lawyer. Being a lawyer requires strong morals, attention to details, and the ability to cope with long periods of monotony and boredom.

