香港科技大学金融数学硕士专业 让你成为投行精英!


  Master of Science (MSc) program in Financial Mathematics



  MAFS 5010 : Stochastic Calculus

  MAFS 5020 : Advanced Probability and Statistics

  MAFS 5030 : Quantitative Modeling of Derivatives Securities

  MAFS 5040 : Quantitative Methods for Fixed-income Instruments

  MAFS 5110 : Advanced Data Analysis with Statistical Programming

  MAFS 5130 : Quantitative Analysis of Financial Time Series

  MAFS 5140 : Statistical Methods in Quantitative Finance

  MAFS 5210 : Mathematical Models of Investment

  MAFS 5220 : Quantitative Risk Management

  MAFS 5240 : Software Development with C++ for Quantitative Finance

  MAFS 5250 : Computational Methods for Pricing Structured Products

  MAFS 5270 : Mathematical Market Microstructure

  MAFS 5280 : Financial Markets in Hong Kong and China

  MAFS5310 : Portfolio Optimization with R

  MAFS 5330 : Structured Products - Analysis and Pricing

  MAFS 5340 : Machine Learning and its Applications

  MAFS 5360 : Computing for Finance in Python

  MAFS6000 : Capstone Project in Financial Mathematics

  MAFS6001 : Capstone Project in Financial Mathematics II

  MATH 5520 : Interest Rate Models

  MATH 5311 : Advanced Numerical Methods I

  MAFS 6010 — Special Topics in Financial Mathematics (Course Series)

  MAFS 6010A : Decentralized Finance

  MAFS 6010X : Entrepreneurship and Venture Capital

  MAFS 6010Y : Reinforcement Learning with Financial Applications

  MAFS 6010Z : Artificial Intelligence in Fintech







