
  英国大学电子电气工程专业(Electrical Engineering)是目前英国留学比较受到学生欢迎的热门专业之一。英国EE专业排名历年来也一直在世界上具有跟高的影响力和权威性。电子电气工程专业的主要目的是为了培养与电气工程有关的系统运行、自动控制、电力电子技术、信息处理、试验分析、研制开发、经济管理以及电子与计算机技术应用等领域工作的宽口径“复合型”高级工程技术人才。目前英国EE专业的就业率是非常乐观的。目前世界各个国家对于电气工程方面的人才都处于供不应求的状态。根据2023TIMES英国大学电子电气工程专业最新排名,剑桥大学,帝国理工大学以及南安普顿大学依旧位列此专业的前三强。下面再让我们一起来看一下2023TIMES英国大学电子电气工程专业最新排名TOP50。

Subject rank Overall rank University Teaching quality Student experience Research quality Entry points Graduate prospects Total score
1 1 University of Cambridge 74.70% 87.20% 67.00% 629 94.60% 100
2 5 Imperial College London 83.50% 89.00% 65.00% 570 87.00% 97.5
3 21 University of Southampton 82.10% 85.00% 53.30% 497 93.50% 93.9
4 6 University College London 75.60% 85.90% 59.00% 488 88.80% 92.3
5 19 University of Bristol 78.30% 86.80% 52.30% 459 91.50% 91.4
6 14 University of Surrey 88.20% 93.30% 36.30% 445 88.60% 89.9
7 26 Queen's University, Belfast 81.40% 81.60% 47.30% 415 93.30% 89.5
8 13 University of Leeds 89.80% 93.40% 41.80% 423 84.40% 89.3
9 29 University of Glasgow 70.00% 81.60% 47.20% 516 85.70% 89.2
10 32 University of Manchester 81.60% 88.60% 37.00% 447 90.30% 88.9
11 37= University of Edinburgh 73.70% 81.00% 50.30% 512 80.20% 88.8
12 12 University of Bath 81.00% 87.80% 28.60% 453 93.90% 88.4
13 48 University of Strathclyde 76.90% 87.90% 41.70% 476 81.10% 87.5
14= 20 University of Nottingham 82.20% 86.80% 40.80% 394 87.50% 86.9
14= 24 University of Sheffield 78.50% 82.30% 42.60% 383 92.10% 86.9
16 16 University of Birmingham 83.90% 82.30% 32.10% 406 90.70% 86.5
17= 28 University of Dundee 79.00% 84.10% 34.10% n/a 90%* 86.3
17= 9= Lancaster University 77.30% 85.80% 41.60% 391 88.90% 86.3
19 37= Heriot-Watt University 64.90% 76.70% 47.80% 420 92.70% 86.2
20 9= University of Exeter 66.60% 73.60% 36.40% 458 92.00% 85.5
21 46 Cardiff University 77.80% 81.80% 30.20% 424 88.60% 85.2
22 22 Newcastle University 79.50% 91.20% 39.40% 370 81.00% 84.2
23 11 Lough borough University 80.10% 87.30% 23.80% 381 89.70% 83.8
24 54= Brunel University London 90.40% 95.20% 26.40% 354 80.80% 83.7
25 44= Swansea University 72.60% 81.40% 45.50% 338 86.20% 83.2
26= 44= University of Aberdeen 64.20% 73.30% 28.40% 412 95.50% 82.9
26= 65= Northumbria University 89.50% 89.60% 30.70% 350 78.00% 82.9
28 17 University of York 88.50% 86.90% 21.40% 369 81.60% 82.4
29 39 University of Liverpool 81.80% 86.90% 30.40% 387 74.10% 81.6
30 61 Bangor University 91.40% 91.20% 31.90% 301 75.80% 81.3
31 23 University of Kent 78.60% 86.30% 27.30% 322 86.90% 81.2
32 60 University of the West of England 90.10% 88.00% 10.60% 295 89.10% 80.2
33 65= University of Hull 89.30% 89.70% 16.50% 330 78.60% 79.9
34 31 University of Reading 78.60% 80.00% 16.30% 330 89.50% 79.7
35= 33 Aston University Birmingham 67.30% 64.30% 25.80% 367 90.50% 79.4
35= 121 University of Bedfordshire 83.50% 90.30% 9.10% n/a 76.90% 79.4
37 30 University of Essex 74.40% 80.60% 34.30% 342 n/a 79.3
38 68 Ulster University 81.50% 90.80% 22.80% 312 76.70% 78.6
39 125 Wrexham Glyndwr University 82.60% 85.80% 20.10% n/a 70%* 77.9
40 91 University of Hertfordshire 87.30% 86.80% 16.50% 295 76.90% 77.7
41 79 Sheffield Hallam University 84.40% 87.50% 17.80% 278 79.20% 77.4
42 59 University of Portsmouth 75.70% 82.30% 7.20% 347 84.40% 77.3
43 72= Manchester Metropolitan University 76.00% 82.90% 16.30% 334 78.90% 77.1
44= 47 Coventry University 86.70% 91.70% 10.30% 292 77.60% 77
44= 50 City, University of London 73.30% 79.90% 20.20% 379 72.40% 77
46 99 Glasgow Caledonian University 76.30% 84.20% 4.70% 393 76.70% 76.9
47 18 University of Sussex 63.40% 72.00% 24.00% 404 75.00% 76.7
48 86= Robert Gordon University 64.10% 74.30% 8.80% 387 84.40% 76.2
49= 40 Queen Mary, University of London 63.80% 72.80% 41.90% 335 69.50% 76
49= 77 University of Huddersfield 83.20% 84.00% 10.20% 337 72.30% 76

