2023THE工程与科技专业排名发布 10所英国大学挺进全球百强

  作为世界大学排名的风向标,泰晤士世界高等教育(Times Higher Education,简称THE)前不久才掀起世界大学排名的风起云涌>>>2023泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名发布 这不又将重磅来袭,泰晤士高等教育与北京时间10月17日晚又公布了一重量级学科的排名——工程技术排名(Engineering &Technology Ranking)



  包括教学学习环境 Teaching: the learning environment——30%

  研究规模、收入及声誉 Research: volume, income and reputation——30%

  研究影响 Citations: research influence——27.5%

  师生及研究国际性 International outlook: staff, students and research——7.5%

  行业革新 Industry income: innovation——5%

  查看泰晤士高等教育专业排名维度细分>>>2018engineering and technology methodology


  英国院校实力杠杠 10大学盘踞一百强


排名 大学 NO.of FTE Students Student: Staff Ratio International Students
3 University of Oxford 20,409 11.2 38%
5 University of Cambridge 18,389 10.9 35%
10 Imperial College London 15,857 11.4 55%
36 University College London 30,304 10.5 49%
45 University of Edinburgh 26,759 12.5 40%
46 University of Manchester 35,318 14.6 38%
75 University of Bristol 19,995 13.7 27%
84 University of Sheffield 24,581 14.9 36%
87 University of Southampton 21,670 12.5 33%
99 University of Leeds 27,995 14.7 26%


排名 大学 NO.of FTE Students Student: Staff Ratio International Students
126–150 University of Birmingham 27,061 15 27%
126–150 Queen Mary University of London 15,405 13.3 45%
126–150 University of Warwick 18,424 13 39%
151–175 Brunel University London 11,359 16 41%
151–175 University of Glasgow 23,389 15.4 36%
176–200 Cardiff University 24,186 13.5 26%
176–200 University of Exeter 19,159 17.5 28%
176–200 University of Liverpool 19,815 11.7 35%
201–250 Loughborough University 13,457 14.9 22%
201–250 Swansea University 13,896 16.1 24%
251–300 Aston University 8,989 20 31%
251–300 Heriot-Watt University 9,259 16.4 41%
251–300 University of Kent 16,949 12.7 31%
251–300 Northumbria University 22,176 17.8 16%
251–300 University of Strathclyde 17,496 21.5 27%
301–400 University of Aberdeen 12,055 13.9 36%
301–400 University of Hull 13,482 16.6 19%
301–400 University of Leicester 14,635 14.1 38%
301–400 Liverpool John Moores University 18,268 18.2 13%
301–400 The Open University 67,357 33 8%
301–400 University of Portsmouth 19,096 15.6 27%
301–400 Ulster University 18,550 14.9 8%
401–500 City, University of London 13,460 17.2 53%
401–500 University of Greenwich 14,678 18.7 35%
401–500 Sheffield Hallam University 24,627 16.3 14%

  在此项世界大学专业排行榜中,工程与科技学科包括通用工程(General Engineering)、土木工程(Civil Engineering)、机械与航空航天工程(Mechanical aerospace engineering)、电机及电子工程(Electrical and electronic engineering)、化学工程(Chemical engineering)等学科。英国大学在这些细分学科上的排名又如何呢?我们能够看到,分类专业前三名基本上是被牛津大学,剑桥大学和帝国理工学院所霸占。因为是工程科技领域下属的细分专业,因此具体排名与综合排名保持了一致性,只有在部分院校数量上有所差别。大家可以从IDP君为大家盘点的专业中可见一斑。

  通用工程(General Engineering)

排名 大学 NO.of FTE Students Student: Staff Ratio International Students
3 University of Oxford 19,718 10.9 35%
5 University of Cambridge 18,605 11.3 35%
7 Imperial College London 15,236 11.3 52%
37 University of Manchester 34,015 14.4 36%
38 University College London 28,602 10.6 47%
70 University of Bristol 18,544 13.6 25%
89 University of Leeds 27,791 15 22%
92 University of Southampton 21,049 12.8 31%
96 University of Sheffield 23,961 15.3 33%

  土木工程(Civil Engineering)

排名 大学 NO.of FTE Students Student: Staff Ratio International Students
3 University of Oxford 19,718 10.9 35%
5 University of Cambridge 18,605 11.3 35%
7 Imperial College London 15,236 11.3 52%
37 University of Manchester 34,015 14.4 36%
38 University College London 28,602 10.6 47%
59 University of Edinburgh 25,279 12.6 37%
70 University of Bristol 18,544 13.6 25%
89 University of Leeds 27,791 15 22%
92 University of Southampton 21,049 12.8 31%
96 University of Nottingham 29,738 14.7 28%
96 University of Sheffield 23,961 15.3 33%

  机械与航空航天工程(Mechanical aerospace engineering)

排名 大学 NO.of FTE Students Student: Staff Ratio International Students
3 University of Oxford 19,718 10.9 35%
5 University of Cambridge 18,605 11.3 35%
7 Imperial College London 15,236 11.3 52%
37 University of Manchester 34,015 14.4 36%
38 University College London 28,602 10.6 47%
59 University of Edinburgh 25,279 12.6 37%
70 University of Bristol 18,544 13.6 25%
89 University of Leeds 27,791 15 22%
92 University of Southampton 21,049 12.8 31%
96 University of Nottingham 29,738 14.7 28%
96 University of Sheffield 23,961 15.3 33%

  电机及电子工程(Electrical and electronic engineering)

排名 大学 NO.of FTE Students Student: Staff Ratio International Students
3 University of Oxford 19,718 10.9 35%
5 University of Cambridge 18,605 11.3 35%
7 Imperial College London 15,236 11.3 52%
37 University of Manchester 34,015 14.4 36%
38 University College London 28,602 10.6 47%
59 University of Edinburgh 25,279 12.6 37%
70 University of Bristol 18,544 13.6 25%
89 University of Leeds 27,791 15 22%
92 University of Southampton 21,049 12.8 31%
96 University of Nottingham 29,738 14.7 28%
96 University of Sheffield 23,961 15.3 33%

  化学工程(Chemical engineering)

排名 大学 NO.of FTE Students Student: Staff Ratio International Students
3 University of Oxford 19,718 10.9 35%
5 University of Cambridge 18,605 11.3 35%
7 Imperial College London 15,236 11.3 52%
37 University of Manchester 34,015 14.4 36%
38 University College London 28,602 10.6 47%
59 University of Edinburgh 25,279 12.6 37%
89 University of Leeds 27,791 15 22%
96 University of Nottingham 29,738 14.7 28%
96 University of Sheffield 23,961 15.3 33%





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