2023泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名 美国院校压倒性优势碾压全球

  在世界大学排名扎堆公布的九月,2023泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education THE)世界大学排名“姗姗来迟”,搭乘九月末班车于北京时间2023年9月26日21时重磅发布了2023-19年度最新世界大学排名。2023THE世界大学排名一经公布,最受关注的仍旧是美国一众院校的表现——美国大学能够延续往年的风光?美国大学是否仍旧收割榜首或实现霸榜?又有哪些美国黑马院校异军突起实现新突破?想要了解美国一众高校在2023泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名中的表现,你绝对不能错过IDP君为你带来的最权威的排名解读。


  泰晤士高等教育从2004年开始每年发布泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名(Times Higher Education World University Ranking),以教学、研究、知识转化、国际视野等多项指标衡量大学综合实力。它使用 13 个精心校准的性能指标,以对大学实力提供最全面和平衡的比较。该排名每年更新一次,以教学、研究和国际展望等作为标准。这一排名与 QS 世界大学排名、USNews 世界大学排名、ARWU 世界大学学术排名是公认的四大权威大学世界排名。


教学Teaching(the learning environment) Total: 30% Reputation survey: 15%
Staff-to-student ratio: 4.5%
Doctorate-to-bachelor’s ratio: 2.25%
Doctorates-awarded- to-academic-staff ratio: 6%
Institutional income: 2.25%
研究Research(volume, income and reputation) Total: 30% Reputation survey: 18%
Research income: 6%
Research productivity: 6%
论文引用Citations(research influence) Total: 30% Our research influence indicator looks at universities’ role in spreading new knowledge and ideas.
国际化程度International outlook(staff, students and research) Total: 7.5% International-to-domestic-student ratio: 2.5%
International-to-domestic-staff ratio: 2.5%
International collaboration: 2.5%
产业创新收入Industry income(knowledge transfer) Total: 2.5% A university’s ability to help industry with innovations, inventions and consultancy has become a core mission of the contemporary global academy.




  TOP10 美国院校实力控榜


rank name location scores teaching scores international outlook scores research scorescitations scores industry income scores overall
3 Stanford University United States 93.6 79.3 96.8 99.9 64.6 94.7
4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States 91.9 89.0 92.7 99.9 87.6 94.2
5 California Institute of Technology United States 94.5 62.3 97.2 99.2 88.2 94.1
6 Harvard University United States 90.1 79.7 98.4 99.6 48.7 93.6
7 Princeton University United States 89.9 80.1 93.6 99.4 57.3 92.3
8 Yale University United States 91.6 68.3 93.5 97.8 51.5 91.3
10 University of Chicago United States 90.2 70.9 90.1 99.0 41.4 90.2
=12 Johns Hopkins University United States 81.9 71.9 90.5 98.5 95.5 89.0
=12 University of Pennsylvania United States 87.4 63.6 89.2 98.4 70.3 89.0
15 University of California, Berkeley United States 78.7 69.8 92.3 99.7 49.3 87.7
16 Columbia University United States 85.4 79.0 83.1 98.8 44.8 87.2
17 University of California, Los Angeles United States 82.6 62.1 87.9 97.8 49.4 86.4
18 Duke University United States 84.1 61.0 78.8 98.2 100.0 85.4
19 Cornell University United States 79.7 71.8 85.4 97.4 36.9 85.1
20 University of Michigan United States 80.0 58.0 85.9 96.0 45.9 84.1

  TOP11-TOP20 美国院校碾压式屠榜



rank name location scores teaching scores international outlook scores research scorescitations scores industry income scores overall
3 Stanford University United States 93.6 79.3 96.8 99.9 64.6 94.7
4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States 91.9 89.0 92.7 99.9 87.6 94.2
5 California Institute of Technology United States 94.5 62.3 97.2 99.2 88.2 94.1
6 Harvard University United States 90.1 79.7 98.4 99.6 48.7 93.6
7 Princeton University United States 89.9 80.1 93.6 99.4 57.3 92.3
8 Yale University United States 91.6 68.3 93.5 97.8 51.5 91.3
10 University of Chicago United States 90.2 70.9 90.1 99.0 41.4 90.2
=12 Johns Hopkins University United States 81.9 71.9 90.5 98.5 95.5 89.0
=12 University of Pennsylvania United States 87.4 63.6 89.2 98.4 70.3 89.0
15 University of California, Berkeley United States 78.7 69.8 92.3 99.7 49.3 87.7
16 Columbia University United States 85.4 79.0 83.1 98.8 44.8 87.2
17 University of California, Los Angeles United States 82.6 62.1 87.9 97.8 49.4 86.4
18 Duke University United States 84.1 61.0 78.8 98.2 100.0 85.4
19 Cornell University United States 79.7 71.8 85.4 97.4 36.9 85.1
20 University of Michigan United States 80.0 58.0 85.9 96.0 45.9 84.1
24 Carnegie Mellon University United States 69.0 79.4 81.2 99.3 48.1 82.0
25 Northwestern University United States 69.0 63.0 83.6 97.8 75.8 81.7
27 New York University United States 77.7 65.0 76.1 96.6 38.9 81.0
28 University of Washington United States 70.7 59.3 79.7 98.9 47.6 80.4
30 University of California, San Diego United States 65.4 59.9 79.2 98.2 96.0 79.7
34 Georgia Institute of Technology United States 62.5 77.1 76.1 95.1 62.2 77.5
39 University of Texas at Austin United States 68.8 38.0 74.2 94.8 48.7 75.4
43 University of Wisconsin-Madison United States 70.3 45.6 71.0 89.9 46.8 73.9
50 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States 63.2 53.5 73.5 86.7 49.4 72.3
52 University of California, Santa Barbara United States 50.9 67.0 65.0 98.8 83.4 71.5
53 Brown University United States 67.3 60.4 57.3 95.4 36.2 71.4
54 Washington University in St Louis United States 63.1 56.5 56.6 99.1 39.5 70.9
56 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United States 62.2 36.8 61.4 96.8 42.4 70.0
=59 University of California, Davis United States 59.3 61.2 63.6 85.6 52.7 68.5
64 Purdue University United States 61.6 71.8 68.6 71.1 64.6 67.4
66 University of Southern California United States 53.2 66.3 56.6 93.8 39.2 67.0
=71 University of Minnesota Twin Cities United States 56.8 39.4 58.7 85.6 79.4 65.3
=71 Ohio State University United States 56.7 58.3 54.9 87.1 52.9 65.3
=74 Boston University United States 56.3 62.3 44.8 96.8 36.5 65.0
81 Pennsylvania State University United States 53.2 46.4 62.5 81.1 50.8 63.8
=82 University of Maryland, College Park United States 47.8 41.2 57.7 93.2 38.7 63.7
=84 Emory University United States 56.0 56.4 39.7 98.4 43.6 63.6
86 Rice University United States 50.9 75.1 40.4 97.9 44.6 63.5
=93 Michigan State University United States 56.5 62.9 54.2 79.8 37.9 62.8
=96 University of California, Irvine United States 44.5 69.3 47.6 94.6 60.8 62.7
=99 Dartmouth College United States 59.6 40.1 38.9 95.9 41.3 62.4
107 University of Virginia United States 53.8 47.7 41.1 92.7 44.1 61.0
109 Georgetown University United States 56.0 46.9 36.0 93.2 64.6 60.7
=110 University of Pittsburgh United States 47.8 38.2 44.5 95.9 40.4 60.3
=114 University of Colorado Boulder United States 45.0 46.4 43.2 96.5 39.2 59.9
=121 Vanderbilt University United States 46.5 41.9 39.4 96.6 47.0 59.1
=123 Arizona State University United States 42.7 58.6 47.4 88.7 38.6 59.0
=132 Case Western Reserve University United States 49.2 51.5 36.2 93.2 40.8 58.5
=146 Indiana University United States 49.4 52.6 45.6 78.6 52.8 57.3
152 Tufts University United States 48.8 55.9 32.0 91.2 40.5 56.8
=156 University of Florida United States 55.3 39.9 51.2 66.7 62.6 56.5
=159 University of Arizona United States 43.4 44.8 43.0 85.5 49.4 56.2
=163 University of Rochester United States 45.1 63.7 31.0 90.8 41.5 55.9
=167 University of California, Santa Cruz United States 33.5 53.2 36.0 99.1 39.5 55.6
=171 Texas A&M University United States 51.6 53.4 54.6 61.1 47.5 55.4
=173 University of Notre Dame United States 50.4 53.5 41.9 75.5 37.9 55.3
=176 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey United States 45.4 50.4 44.5 77.4 39.8 54.9
179 University of Alabama at Birmingham United States 39.4 36.6 32.9 95.7 65.9 54.8
=181 George Washington University United States 49.9 53.5 30.6 85.0 34.5 54.5
=184 Northeastern University United States 37.0 74.0 26.5 96.3 37.2 54.4
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  看来无论是QS世界大学排名、ARWU软科世界大学排名、USNews世界大学大学排名还是今天我们介绍的THE世界大学排名,美国院校都以压倒性优势主导四大排名。这也不尽让留学生坚定,美国的教育质量仍旧是全球最一流的,美国仍旧是最热门的留学目的国,想在2023美国大学申请季中抢滩美国大学? 立刻联系IDP美国资深留学专家,实现自己的美国留学梦。
