2023泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名重磅来袭 角力名校名利场

  作为与QS世界大学排名、U.S.News世界大学排名、上海软科(ARWU)世界大学排名并驾齐驱,合称为四大世界大学排名的泰晤士高等教育(Times Higher Education THE)世界大学排名于北京时间2023年9月26日21时重磅发布了2023-19年度最新的院校排名。泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名的发布也意味着四大世界大学排名都已经“众神归位”——完成了对上个留学申请季中全进院校的表现的总结。作为世界四大排名中“姗姗来迟”的2023THE世界大学排名有哪些看头?英美澳加新各国别院校的表现又有哪些变化?跟着IDP君一起走进2023THE世界大学排名,追溯你的心仪院校!




教学Teaching(the learning environment) Total: 30% Reputation survey: 15%
Staff-to-student ratio: 4.5%
Doctorate-to-bachelor’s ratio: 2.25%
Doctorates-awarded- to-academic-staff ratio: 6%
Institutional income: 2.25%
研究Research(volume, income and reputation) Total: 30% Reputation survey: 18%
Research income: 6%
Research productivity: 6%
论文引用Citations(research influence) Total: 30% Our research influence indicator looks at universities’ role in spreading new knowledge and ideas.
国际化程度International outlook(staff, students and research) Total: 7.5% International-to-domestic-student ratio: 2.5%
International-to-domestic-staff ratio: 2.5%
International collaboration: 2.5%
产业创新收入Industry income(knowledge transfer) Total: 2.5% A university’s ability to help industry with innovations, inventions and consultancy has become a core mission of the contemporary global academy.




2023 rank 2023 rank University Country
 1  1 University of Oxford United Kingdom
 2  2 University of Cambridge United Kingdom
 3  3 Stanford University United States
 4  5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States
 5  3 California Institute of Technology United States
 6  6 Harvard University United States
 7  7 Princeton University United States
 8  12 Yale University United States
 9  8 Imperial College London United Kingdom
 10  9 University of Chicago United States



rank name location scores teaching scores international outlook scores research scorescitations scores industry income scores overall
3 Stanford University United States 93.6 79.3 96.8 99.9 64.6 94.7
4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology United States 91.9 89 92.7 99.9 87.6 94.2
5 California Institute of Technology United States 94.5 62.3 97.2 99.2 88.2 94.1
6 Harvard University United States 90.1 79.7 98.4 99.6 48.7 93.6
7 Princeton University United States 89.9 80.1 93.6 99.4 57.3 92.3
8 Yale University United States 91.6 68.3 93.5 97.8 51.5 91.3
10 University of Chicago United States 90.2 70.9 90.1 99 41.4 90.2
12 Johns Hopkins University United States 81.9 71.9 90.5 98.5 95.5 89
12 University of Pennsylvania United States 87.4 63.6 89.2 98.4 70.3 89
15 University of California, Berkeley United States 78.7 69.8 92.3 99.7 49.3 87.7
16 Columbia University United States 85.4 79 83.1 98.8 44.8 87.2
17 University of California, Los Angeles United States 82.6 62.1 87.9 97.8 49.4 86.4
18 Duke University United States 84.1 61 78.8 98.2 100 85.4
19 Cornell University United States 79.7 71.8 85.4 97.4 36.9 85.1
20 University of Michigan United States 80 58 85.9 96 45.9 84.1
24 Carnegie Mellon University United States 69 79.4 81.2 99.3 48.1 82
25 Northwestern University United States 69 63 83.6 97.8 75.8 81.7
27 New York University United States 77.7 65 76.1 96.6 38.9 81
28 University of Washington United States 70.7 59.3 79.7 98.9 47.6 80.4
30 University of California, San Diego United States 65.4 59.9 79.2 98.2 96 79.7
34 Georgia Institute of Technology United States 62.5 77.1 76.1 95.1 62.2 77.5
39 University of Texas at Austin United States 68.8 38 74.2 94.8 48.7 75.4
43 University of Wisconsin-Madison United States 70.3 45.6 71 89.9 46.8 73.9
50 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign United States 63.2 53.5 73.5 86.7 49.4 72.3
52 University of California, Santa Barbara United States 50.9 67 65 98.8 83.4 71.5
53 Brown University United States 67.3 60.4 57.3 95.4 36.2 71.4
54 Washington University in St Louis United States 63.1 56.5 56.6 99.1 39.5 70.9
56 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill United States 62.2 36.8 61.4 96.8 42.4 70
59 University of California, Davis United States 59.3 61.2 63.6 85.6 52.7 68.5
64 Purdue University United States 61.6 71.8 68.6 71.1 64.6 67.4
66 University of Southern California United States 53.2 66.3 56.6 93.8 39.2 67
71 University of Minnesota Twin Cities United States 56.8 39.4 58.7 85.6 79.4 65.3
71 Ohio State University United States 56.7 58.3 54.9 87.1 52.9 65.3
74 Boston University United States 56.3 62.3 44.8 96.8 36.5 65
81 Pennsylvania State University United States 53.2 46.4 62.5 81.1 50.8 63.8
82 University of Maryland, College Park United States 47.8 41.2 57.7 93.2 38.7 63.7
84 Emory University United States 56 56.4 39.7 98.4 43.6 63.6
86 Rice University United States 50.9 75.1 40.4 97.9 44.6 63.5
93 Michigan State University United States 56.5 62.9 54.2 79.8 37.9 62.8
96 University of California, Irvine United States 44.5 69.3 47.6 94.6 60.8 62.7
99 Dartmouth College United States 59.6 40.1 38.9 95.9 41.3 62.4



rank name location scores teaching scores international outlook scores research scorescitations scores industry income scores overall
1 University of Oxford United Kingdom 91.8 96.3 99.5 99.1 67.0 96.0
2 University of Cambridge United Kingdom 92.1 94.3 98.8 97.1 52.9 94.8
9 Imperial College London United Kingdom 85.8 97.1 87.7 97.8 67.3 90.3
14 UCL United Kingdom 79.1 95.8 90.1 95.9 42.4 87.8
26 London School of Economics and Political Science United Kingdom 71.0 92.5 83.1 91.0 34.8 81.3
29 University of Edinburgh United Kingdom 69.2 93.3 73.7 96.8 38.2 79.8
38 King’s College London United Kingdom 61.1 95.3 68.7 95.2 45.9 75.8
57 University of Manchester United Kingdom 57.7 90.1 62.0 87.2 45.0 69.9
78 University of Bristol United Kingdom 44.8 86.3 48.6 96.1 40.5 64.3
=79 University of Warwick United Kingdom 48.0 93.3 51.8 87.0 41.5 64.1
=93 University of Glasgow United Kingdom 41.2 92.3 48.3 93.6 40.1 62.8
106 University of Sheffield United Kingdom 46.0 87.2 46.0 86.5 43.1 61.2
=114 Durham University United Kingdom 44.7 90.9 47.0 82.0 37.7 59.9
=116 University of Birmingham United Kingdom 38.9 88.5 43.3 91.5 39.8 59.7
118 University of Southampton United Kingdom 39.7 93.9 42.0 90.2 40.7 59.6
119 University of York United Kingdom 41.2 84.9 45.7 86.4 36.2 59.3
130 Queen Mary University of London United Kingdom 31.9 96.1 38.9 97.6 43.0 58.8
141 University of Exeter United Kingdom 34.3 90.3 39.7 93.2 36.3 57.8
=146 Lancaster University United Kingdom 36.5 93.3 40.3 88.0 35.6 57.3
=149 University of Nottingham United Kingdom 42.7 86.8 42.8 80.0 40.8 57.2
=153 University of Leeds United Kingdom 40.7 85.5 43.5 79.7 39.5 56.6
158 University of Aberdeen United Kingdom 30.5 95.0 34.7 94.7 46.5 56.3
=161 University of Sussex United Kingdom 33.0 92.7 37.3 90.0 35.7 56.0
165 University of St Andrews United Kingdom 42.3 96.3 40.2 76.4 36.4 55.8
=167 University of Leicester United Kingdom 30.5 91.2 33.8 95.2 37.3 55.6
=171 Newcastle University United Kingdom 32.9 88.2 39.6 86.6 41.6 55.4
=181 University of Liverpool United Kingdom 32.2 91.5 35.9 87.5 39.4 54.5
=187 Cardiff University United Kingdom 33.6 82.7 37.1 86.3 37.2 54.2
=190 University of East Anglia United Kingdom 28.2 87.4 30.9 96.2 35.3 54.0


  澳大利亚在今年的榜单上表现比较平稳,澳洲八大(Group of Eight)依然稳居2023排行榜的TOP150。墨尔本大学、澳大利亚国立大学、悉尼大学稳居前三。其中悉尼大学上升两名,排名59,其他高校变动不大。值得一提的是今年的悉尼科技大学挤进了前200,排名196,名次大幅度提升

rank name location scores teaching scores international outlook scores research scorescitations scores industry income scores overall
=32 University of Melbourne Australia 68.0 93.1 73.4 90.3 74.0 78.3
49 Australian National University Australia 55.5 95.0 70.6 87.3 49.1 72.4
=59 University of Sydney Australia 50.2 87.8 61.4 89.1 68.1 68.5
69 University of Queensland Australia 47.3 91.7 57.4 86.5 70.3 66.0
=84 Monash University Australia 46.1 88.7 53.7 83.8 74.1 63.6
=96 University of New South Wales Australia 45.0 92.6 54.1 82.3 52.4 62.7
134 University of Western Australia Australia 33.5 93.1 44.5 88.8 55.0 58.4
=135 University of Adelaide Australia 32.8 90.9 41.2 92.5 61.6 58.3
196 University of Technology, Sydney Australia 32.2 95.4 41.8 76.4 52.2 53.6
201–250 James Cook University Australia 23.5 75.4 27.2 91.9 41.9 49.5–53.0
201–250 Macquarie University Australia 33.4 81.6 37.3 71.3 46.2 49.5–53.0
201–250 Queensland University of Technology Australia 28.6 79.9 37.9 81.3 56.7 49.5–53.0
201–250 University of South Australia Australia 30.5 92.9 37.1 68.1 79.7 49.5–53.0
201–250 University of Wollongong Australia 30.3 90.9 33.5 75.7 52.8 49.5–53.0


  加拿大有27所高校入围2023年排行榜,而去年的入围高校数量是26所,其中排名最高的又是多伦多大学,上升一名,排名第21。 该国在2023年和2023年均入围的高校中有近77%(超过四分之三)与去年相比排名下降或保持稳定(有一半排名保持不变)。

rank name location scores teaching scores international outlook scores research scorescitations scores industry income scores overall
21 University of Toronto Canada 75.8 82.8 86.3 92.8 50.3 84.0
37 University of British Columbia Canada 60.8 93.9 72.6 92.8 42.9 76.0
=44 McGill University Canada 64.1 89.4 69.4 86.3 42.3 73.7
77 McMaster University Canada 44.0 80.5 48.2 94.3 93.5 64.4
=90 University of Montreal Canada 47.8 85.0 50.2 84.6 74.3 63.0
=132 University of Alberta Canada 47.4 86.6 48.2 73.0 59.2 58.5
=176 University of Ottawa Canada 39.1 77.0 39.3 81.6 43.2 54.9
=190 Western University Canada 41.5 77.6 36.1 78.0 59.8 54.0
=199 University of Calgary Canada 34.6 76.6 34.4 84.1 55.7 53.1
201–250 University of Waterloo Canada 32.2 82.4 39.7 69.3 43.3 49.5–53.0
251–300 Dalhousie University Canada 25.5 83.7 29.0 79.0 45.6 46.4–49.4
251–300 Laval University Canada 38.7 68.7 29.5 69.9 58.8 46.4–49.4
251–300 Queen’s University Canada 39.3 65.3 34.4 65.5 44.7 46.4–49.4
251–300 Simon Fraser University Canada 24.6 91.2 33.4 75.4 47.0 46.4–49.4


  最被人所知的新西兰八大名校全部榜上有名,其中6所大学跻身世界500强之列,林肯大学和梅西大学紧随其后,并肩501-600名次阶段。奥克兰大学首当其冲,取得新西兰院校最好名次——新西兰第1全球、全球第202名;奥塔哥大学实力同样不容小觑,紧随美国迈阿密大学,同样挺进201-250排名阶段;奥克兰理工大学和坎特伯雷大学并肩前行,双双位列301-350排名阶段,惠灵顿维多利亚大学和怀卡托大学不甘示弱,杀进401-450排名阶段。新西兰一众院校的表现,用百花齐放来形容在合适不过,在高等教育得到全球广泛认可的同时,再加上新西兰对于国际留学生频示利好,无论是留学政策还是申请便利程度,都成为众多留学生选择新西兰作为留学目的国的原因。是不是也很想向往去新西兰留学,在2023新西兰留申请季如火如荼之际>>> 快点联系你的IDP新西兰专属留学专家,为自己的申请保驾护航。

rank name location scores teaching scores international outlook scores research scorescitations scores industry income scores overall
201–250 University of Auckland New Zealand 30.1 91.7 40.7 76.5 61.6 49.5–53.0
201–250 University of Otago New Zealand 27.9 89.5 30.7 82.6 37.4 49.5–53.0
301–350 Auckland University of Technology New Zealand 17.3 96.0 16.6 91.4 35.6 44.0–46.3
301–350 University of Canterbury New Zealand 22.4 92.1 26.6 74.9 36.7 44.0–46.3
401–500 Victoria University New Zealand 23.1 88.6 30.7 50.1 55.1 37.1–41.6
401–500 University of Waikato New Zealand 19.8 84.4 23.8 65.5 42.2 37.1–41.6
501–600 Lincoln University New Zealand 23.0 93.1 19.6 43.5 52.4 33.5–37.0
501–600 Massey University New Zealand 20.1 92.8 17.2 50.2 40.2 33.5–37.0

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