



Ageing and Chronic Disease, Institute of  人口老龄化和慢性疾病研究所
Archaeology Classics and Egyptology, Department of (ACE)  经典考古和埃及古物学系(ACE)
Architecture, School of  建筑学院
Arts, School of the  艺术学院
Biological Sciences, School of  生物科学学院
Biostatistics, Department of 生物统计学系
Cellular and Molecular Physiology 细胞与分子生物学系
Chemistry, Department of  化学系
Civic Design (planning) 城市建设(规划)系
Communication and Media, Department of 传媒系
Computer Science, Department of 计算机科学系
Concrete 混凝土系
Dentistry, School of 牙医学院
Department of Women's and Children's Health 妇女儿童健康系
Earth, Ocean & Ecological Sciences, Department of 地球、海洋与生态科学系
Electrical Eng, Electronics & Computer Science, School of 电气、电子与计算机科学院
Electrical Engineering and Electronics, Department of 电气与电子工程系
Engineering, School of 工程学院
English, Department of 英语学院
Environmental Sciences, School of 环境科学学院
Eye and Vision Science 视力与视觉科学系
Film Studies 电影研究系
Gastroenterology 胃肠学系
Geography and Planning, Department of 地理与规划系
Geology and Geophysics 地质学与地球物理学系
Health and Life Sciences, Faculty of 健康与生命科学学院
Health Sciences, School 健康科学学院
Health Services Research, Department of 健康服务研究系
Heseltine Institute for Public Policy & Practice  Heseltine公共政策和实践研究所
Histories Languages and Cultures, School of 历史语言与文化学院
History, Department of 历史系
Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of 人文与社会科学学院
Infection and Global Health, Institute of 感染与全球健康研究所
Integrative Biology, Institute of 综合生物学研究所
Irish Studies, Institute of 爱尔兰研究所
Latin American Studies 拉丁美洲研究所
Law and Social Justice, School of 法律与社会公正学院
Law, School of 法学院
Learning and Teaching, Institute of 学习与教学研究所
Life Sciences, School of 生命科学学院
Management School 管理学院
Mathematical Sciences, Department of 数学系
Medical Education, School of 医学院
Medical Imaging & Radiotherapy, Directorate of 医学影像和放射治疗院
Medicine 医学系
Modern Languages and Cultures, Department of (MLC) 现代语言与文化系(MLC)
Molecular and Clinical Cancer Medicine 分子医学与临床癌症系
Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology 分子和临床药理学系
Musculoskeletal Biology 肌肉骨骼生物学系
Music, Department of 音乐系
New and International Writing, Centre for 新国际写作中心
Nursing, Directorate of 护理院
Obesity and Endocrinology 肥胖与内分泌学系
Occupational Therapy, Directorate of 职业治疗院
Ocean Sciences 海洋科学系
Ophthalmology 眼科系
Orthoptics and Vision Science, Directorate of 视轴矫正与视觉科学院
Philosophy, Department of 哲学系
Physical Sciences, School of 物理科学学院
Physics, Department of 物理系
Physiotherapy, Directorate of 物理疗法院
Planning 计划学系
Politics, Department of 政治系
Population, Community and Behavioural Sciences, School of 人口、社会与行为科学院
Psychological Sciences, Department of 心理科学系
Psychology, Health and Society, Institute of 心理学、健康和社会研究所
Psychology, School of 心理学学院
Public Health and Policy, Department of 公共卫生与政策系
Renewable Energy, Stephenson Institute for 斯蒂芬森可再生能源研究所
Risk and Uncertainty, Institute for 风险与不确定性研究所
Science and Engineering, Faculty of 科学与工程学院
Sociology, Social Policy & Criminology, Department of 社会学、社会政策与犯罪学系
Technology Directorate 技术学院
Translational Medicine, Institute of 转化医学研究所
Tropical Medicine, Liverpool School of 利物浦热带医学院
Veterinary Science, School of 兽医学院
Women's and Children's Health 妇女与儿童健康系

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