
  英国EE专业即Electrical Engineering,电子电气工程专业。此专业是目前英国留学比较受到学生欢迎的热门专业之一。英国EE专业排名历年来也一直在世界上具有跟高的影响力和权威性。英国EE专业的主要目的是为了培养与电气工程有关的系统运行、自动控制、电力电子技术、信息处理、试验分析、研制开发、经济管理以及电子与计算机技术应用等领域工作的宽口径“复合型”高级工程技术人才。目前英国EE专业的就业率是非常乐观的。目前世界各个国家对于电气工程方面的人才都处于供不应求的状态。在英国EE专业排名前10的大学包括剑桥大学,南安普顿大学,曼彻斯特大学,帝国理工学院,谢菲尔德大学,伦敦大学学院,拉夫堡大学,萨里大学,格拉斯哥大学,约克大学。其中,拉夫堡大学的工程专业在当地名列前茅。在2015年1220名拉夫堡毕业生当中,工程类专业毕业生有400多名。其中94%的毕业生获得就业岗位或者进入更高的研究领域。下面再让我们了解一下2016TIMES英国EE专业排名优秀大学TOP50。

专业排名 综合排名 学校 教学质量 学生满意度 科研水平 入学分数 就业前景 总得分
1 1 University of Cambridge 75.00% 86.70% 67.00% 642 96.60% 100
2 3 Imperial College London 81.60% 88.80% 65.00% 564 90.50% 97.8
3 16 University of Southampton 81.40% 88.60% 53.30% 489 95.60% 94.7
4 46 University of Strathclyde 84.50% 87.10% 41.70% 470 88.70% 91.6
5 26 University of Glasgow 75.70% 86.80% 47.20% 491 89.00% 91.2
6 10 University College London 68.20% 82.30% 59.00% 484 90.90% 91
7= 31 Queen's University, Belfast 82.70% 89.90% 47.30% 415 88.70% 90.7
7= 14 University of Leeds 86.90% 91.50% 41.80% 429 85.30% 90.7
9= 21 University of Sheffield 84.00% 91.60% 42.60% 389 93.30% 90.5
9= 20 University of Bristol 71.90% 86.50% 52.30% 468 90.00% 90.5
11 28= University of Manchester 88.00% 91.30% 37.00% 425 85.10% 90.1
12 12 University of Bath 87.10% 88.10% 28.60% 444 90.00% 89.7
13= 8 University of Surrey 80.60% 87.50% 36.30% 427 93.90% 89.6
13= 17 University of Birmingham 86.10% 89.50% 32.10% 410 92.60% 89.6
15 37 University of Dundee 84.20% 87.80% 34.10%   90.00% 89.3
16 22 University of Edinburgh 73.60% 85.70% 50.30% 485 80.20% 89.2
17 11 Lancaster University 80.70% 84.30% 41.60% 416   88
18 45 University of Aberdeen 73.90% 82.50% 28.40% 458 96.90% 87.9
19 41= Swansea University 80.90% 85.30% 45.50% 346 86.10% 86.9
20= 25 University of Nottingham 79.20% 86.70% 40.80% 390 81.80% 86.5
20= 7 University of Exeter 70.80% 79.30% 36.40% 432 92.40% 86.5
22 23= Newcastle University 77.20% 87.20% 39.40% 389 83.50% 86.2
23 13 Loughborough University 81.70% 89.40% 23.80% 368 90.90% 85.8
24 23= University of Kent 88.10% 94.50% 27.30% 309 85.50% 85.5
25 35 University of Essex 81.50% 82.80% 34.30% 302 95%* 85.4
26 38= Heriot-Watt University 68.80% 73.20% 47.80% 416 85.60% 85.3
27 15 University of York 85.10% 88.80% 21.40% 393 81.20% 85.1
28 60 Brunel University London 86.60% 88.30% 26.40% 353 78.30% 84.4
29 38= University of Liverpool 80.00% 84.10% 30.40% 378 79.70% 84.1
30 34 Queen Mary, University of London 74.50% 79.30% 41.90% 409 72.50% 83.7
31 32 University of Reading 79.40% 82.80% 16.30% 376 85.70% 82.8
32 64= Northumbria University 86.80% 88.20% 30.70% 347 65.80% 82.5
33 30 Aston University Birmingham 73.40% 77.30% 25.80% 324 94.90% 82.4
34 52 Bangor University 85.60% 90.90% 31.90% 269 74.60% 82
35 84 University of Derby 85.10% 87.80% 6.70% 306 90.90% 81.9
36 59 University of Portsmouth 83.50% 84.20% 7.20% 318 88.80% 81.3
37= 33 Cardiff University 62.50% 73.80% 30.20% 400 84.40% 80.7
37= 73 University of the West of England 76.30% 81.00% 10.60% 308 95.30% 80.7
39 69= Robert Gordon University 72.20% 82.50% 8.80% 387 86.40% 80.5
40 77 Manchester Metropolitan University 80.70% 84.50% 16.30% 338 76.50% 80.3
41 57 Ulster University 69.60% 81.90% 22.80% 301 86.00% 79.3
42 67 University of Hull 81.60% 81.40% 16.50% 309 73.70% 78.8
43 41= City University 85.00% 88.30% 20.20% 362 52.40% 78.6
44 74 Liverpool John Moores University 77.10% 81.00% 8.70% 344 75.00% 78
45 19 University of Sussex 68.00% 71.90% 24.00% 320 82.10% 77.9
46= 76 University of Hertfordshire 76.30% 88.20% 16.50% 282 74.10% 77.7
46= 69= University of Huddersfield 77.60% 82.00% 10.20% 328 74.10% 77.7
48 72 Sheffield Hallam University 76.20% 83.60% 17.80% 298 72.40% 77.5
49 79= Aberystwyth University 76.20% 72.10%   329 87.90% 77.4
50 90 University of Brighton 77.60% 86.80% 7.40%   66.70% 76.5
