英国留学 最美大学盘点 中国学生向往的美丽大学校园


  留学英国大学是很多中国学生的梦想,英国大学的教育不仅先进性非常著名,其时间短、效率高、课程丰富等也让英国大学占尽优势,然而还有一点,也让英国大学成为很多人的向往之地,那就是这里大学校园的美丽。英国大学大都风景秀丽、校园温馨平和,非常适合学习。英国著名媒体每日电讯报(The Telegraph)近日对英国最美大学做了最新盘点,以下是为大家整理的详情,来看看你心仪的大学又没有上榜吧! 

贝尔法斯特女王大学(Queen`s University Belfast)

  1845年创立的贝尔法斯特女王大学(Queen`s University Belfast)有超过300座建筑处于绿色以及贝尔法斯特南边的郊区之中。图为大学校园中心的都铎王朝哥特式的建筑。

  原文:Founded by Queen Victoria in 1845, Queen`s University Belfast has over 300 buildings in the green and leafy suburbs of south Belfast. This is the Lanyon building, an imposing Tudor Gothic-style building at the heart of the campus.

卡迪夫大学(Cardiff University)


  原文:Located in the busy city centre, many of Cardiff`s university buildings are undeniably striking – not least the Main Building, shown here.

布里斯托大学(University of Bristol

  布里斯托大学的一些建筑非常古老,要追溯到大学以布里斯托大学学院时期,而大学音乐系的建筑维多利亚房间(Victoria Rooms)就是这样一座古老的建筑。据说查尔斯-狄更斯曾在这所古典的维多利亚时期的房间中阅读过。

  原文:Not all of Bristol`s buildings, some of which date back to the institution`s previous incarnation as University College Bristol, are much to look at, but the Faculty of Music`s stunning Victoria Rooms merit a place on this list alone. Charles Dickens reportedly once gave a selection of readings in this early Victorian classical building.

 斯特林大学(University of Stirling)


  原文:The Wallace Monument and the Cottrell building are just two features of Stirling University to benefit from the stunning surroundings. The locale boasts a castle, lakes, meadow and woods – and indeed its own nine-hole golf course.

格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)

  格拉斯哥大学被誉为苏格兰最古老的大学之一,大学的Gilbert Scott建筑是英国第二大哥特复兴式建筑。

  原文:One of Scotland`s vaunted “Ancient” universities, Glasgow University boasts many fine buildings such as the Gilbert Scott building – the second-largest example of Gothic revival architecture in Britain after the Palace of Westminster.







与英国《泰晤士报高等教育副刊》(Times Higher Education)联合发布世界大学排名

