


  1、伦敦大学学院University College London

  伦敦大学学院 (University College London),简称UCL,建校于1826年,位于英国伦敦,是一所誉满全球的世界顶尖名校。它是伦敦大学联盟(University of London,简称UOL)的创校学院,与剑桥大学、牛津大学、帝国理工学院、伦敦政治经济学院并称“G5超级精英大学”。“G5超级精英大学”代表了英国最顶尖的科研实力、师生质量以及经济实力。*冷同学伦敦大学学院民族与记录片电影成功案例

  ● 专业名称:Film Studies MA


  ● 学制

  - Full time: 1 year;Part time: 2 years

  ● 学费

  - Full Time: £21,790; Part Time: £11,060

  ● 申请要求

  - 最低要求:二等上学位

  - 语言要求:雅思(总分7.5,小分不低于6.5)


  ● 必修课程

  - Moving Images: Technology, Forms, Receptions

  - Reading and Research Films

  ● 选修课程

  - Ancient Rome on Film

  - Hong Kong Cinema: City and Screen

  - Genre in Italian Cinema

  - Hollywood Genres

  - How to Make an 8-Minute Documentary

  - New Argentine Cinema

  - Nordic Cinema: Contextualising Dreyer, Bergman and Dogme

  - Political Cinema

  - Russian Cinema: Epochs and Genres

  - Spanish Film

  - The French New Wave

  - The Idea of Documentary

  - Theories and Practices of Film

  - Global Cinemas

  - Digital Media

  - East and South Asian Cinemas


  ● Academic research and teaching

  ● Careers within media arts (writing, directing, editing)

  ● Print and media journalism

  ● Arts and museum management

  ● Multimedia authoring and digital design

  ● Film preservation and curating

  2、伦敦国王学院King's College London

  伦敦国王学院(King's College London) ,简称King's或KCL,伦敦大学的创校学院,世界顶尖的综合研究型大学,享有极高美誉。伦敦国王学院,与牛津大学、剑桥大学、伦敦大学学院、帝国理工学院、和伦敦政经学院同为英国著名的“金三角名校”。国王学院的校友及教员中共诞生了12位诺贝尔奖得主,16位政府或国家首脑、34位英国现任国会议员。

  ● 专业名称:Film Studies MA


  ● 学制

  - Full time: 1 year;Part time: 2 years

  ● 申请要求

  - 最低要求:二等上学位

  - 语言要求:雅思(总分7.0,读写不低于6.5,听说不低于6.0)


  ● 必修课程

  - Dissertation (90 credits)

  - Formations of Film Studies: an Advanced Introduction to the Field (20 credits)

  - Cinema & Sentiment (20 credits)

  - Experimental Film & Philosophy (20 credits)

  - Film History & the Cinema Experience (20 credits)

  - Thinking Cinema (20 credits)

  - Reconfiguring Film Theories & Philosophies: A Cross-cultural Perspective (20 credits)

  - Media Aesthetics (20 credits)

  ● 选修课程

  - History & Memory in Film (20 credits)

  - Cinema & War (20 credits)

  - 21st Century Hollywood (20 credits)

  - French Cinema: History, Ideology, Aesthetics (20 credits)

  - Film History & the Cinema Experience (20 credits)

  - Art Cinema (20 credits)• Thinking Cinema (20 credits)

  - Popular European Cinema (20 credits)

  - Cinema & Sentiment (20 credits)

  - Experimental Film & Philosophy (20 credits)

  - Analysing Film Performance (20 credits)

  - Reconfiguring Film Theories & Philosophies: A Cross-Cultural Perspective (20 credits)

  - Global Queer Cinema (20 credits)

  - The Moving Image of Art (20 credits)

  - A range of Master’s modules offered across the Faculty of Arts & Humanities or Global Institutes, subject to approval


  ● Media arts and related activities - journalism, film festival work and media literacy training


  3、华威大学The University of Warwick

  华威大学(The University of Warwick) ,创立于1965年,是位于英国英格兰中部华威郡的一所世界顶尖大学,名列英国十大著名学府,以其高水平的学术研究和师生互动教学而享有国际盛誉,英国常春藤联盟罗素大学集团成员,在英国主流媒体排名中,稳居英国前十名,QS排名中稳居世界百强。

  ● 专业名称:Film and Television Studies MA


  ● 学制:1 year

  ● 申请要求

  - 最低要求:二等上学位

  - 语言要求:雅思(总分7.0,单项不低于6.5)


  ● 必修课程

  - Screen Cultures and Methods

  - Dissertation

  ● 选修课程

  - Cities and Landscapes in Film

  - Film Criticism, Film Style

  - History and Memory in Italian Cinema

  - Irony in Film

  - Issues in Documentary

  - Postcolonial Film

  - Sound Cultures

  - Swedish Cinema

  - Television History and Aesthetics


  ● Marketing Manager

  ● Freelance Writer

  ● Heritage Activities Trainee

  4、爱丁堡大学The University of Edinburgh

  爱丁堡大学(The University of Edinburgh),简称爱大,是一所位于英国苏格兰首府爱丁堡的世界著名公立综合研究型大学,英国老牌名校。爱大创建于1583年,是英语国家中第六古老的高等学府。

  ● 专业名称:Film Studies MSc


  ● 学制

  - Full time: 1 year

  - Part time: 2 years

  ● 申请要求

  - 最低要求:二等上学位

  - 语言要求:雅思(总分7.0,单项不低于6.5)


  ● 必修课程

  - Film Theory

  - Film-Philosophy

  - Research methods in Film Studies 1 and 2

  ● 选修课程

  - Cinema Auteurs

  - Cinema and Society in South Asia

  - Contemporary Japanese Cinema

  - Cinema and Society in Britain

  - Film and Existentialism

  - Film and Gender

  - Gender, Revolution and Modernity in Chinese Cinema

  - Mediating Film

  - Music on Screen

  - Islam through the Arts


  ● Academia

  ● Film or media related field

