
  拥有全球一流工业设计、汽车设计的考文垂大学,是很多同学的Dream School。对于学术成绩或雅思不达标的同学们来水,读考文垂大学还有预科、国际大一,以及转学分等多种方式。今天小编就为大家整理了2023考文垂大学预科申请条件是多少?国际大一有哪些专业?学费多钱?希望对你有所帮助,有任何问题都可以咨询IDP留学顾问哦!



  1)Business,Economics, Finance and Management and Law商务,经济,金融和管理预科方向

  - BA (Hons)Accountancy

  - BA (Hons)Accounting and Finance

  - BA (Hons)Advertising and Marketing

  - BSc (Hons)Aviation Management (taught in Faculty of EEC)*杨同学考文垂大学工业产品设计成功案例

  - BA (Hons) BusinessAdministration

  - BA (Hons) BusinessEconomics

  - BA (Hons) Businessand Finance

  - BA (Hons) Businessand Human Resource Management

  - BA (Hons) Businessand Marketing

  - LLB (Hons)Business Law

  - BA (Hons) BusinessManagement

  - BA (Hons) DigitalMarketing

  - BA (Hons)Economics

  - BA (Hons)Enterprise and Entrepreneurship

  - BA (Hons) EuropeanBusiness Management

  - BA (Hons) EventManagement

  - BA (Hons) Financeand Investment

  - BSc (Hons) Finance

  - BA (Hons)Financial Economics

  - BA (Hons)International Business

  - BA (Hons)International Business Management

  - BA (Hons)International Fashion Business

  - BA (Hons)Marketing

  - BA (Hons) SportManagement

  Business,Economics, Finance and Management and Law商务,经济,金融和管理预科方向(每年11月-- 4月 这个时间只对应Business administration 大一课程: 2月-8月 6月-12月 可以签2学期半年STSV签证,适合学习年限接近2年的同学

  2)Engineering andSciences工程和科学预科方向

  - BEng (Hons)Aerospace Systems Engineering

  - BEng (Hons)Aerospace Technology

  - BSc (Hons)Architectural Technology

  - Beng/MEng (Hons)Automotive Engineering

  - BSc (Hons)Building Surveying

  - BEng (Hons)Building Services Engineering

  - BEng (Hons) CivilEngineering

  - BSc (Hons) CivilEngineering

  - BEng (Hons)/MEngCivil and Environmental Engineering

  - BEng (Hons)/MEngCivil and Structural Engineering

  - BEng (Hons) ComputerHardware and Software Engineering

  - BSc (Hons)Computer Science

  - BSc (Hons)Computing

  - BSc (Hons)Construction Management

  - BEng (Hons)/MEngElectrical and Electronic Engineering

  - BEng (Hons)Electronic Engineering

  - BSc (Hons) EthicalHacking and Cybersecurity

  - BSc (Hons) GamesTechnology

  - BSc (Hons)Information Technology for Business

  - Beng/MengManufacturing Engineering

  - BSc (Hons)Mathematics

  - BSc (Hons)Mathematics and Data Analytics

  - BSc (Hons)Mathematics and Physics

  - BSc (Hons)Mathematics and Statistics

  - MEng/BEng (Hons)Mechanical Engineering

  - Meng/BEng (Hons)Motorsport Engineering

  - BSc (Hons)Multimedia Computing

  - BSc (Hons) Oil,Gas and Energy Management

  - BSc (Hons)Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management

  Engineering andSciences工程和科学预科方向每年 2月-8月 6月-12月 可以签2学期半年STSV签证,适合学习年限接近2年的同学

  3)Humanities andSocial Sciences人文和社会科学预科方向

  - LLB (Hons)Business Law

  - BA (Hons)Childhood and Youth Studies (taught in Faculty of HLS)

  - BA (Hons)Criminology (taught in HLS)

  - BA (Hons)Criminology and Law (taught in Faculty of HLS)

  - BA (Hons) Criminologyand Psychology (taught in Faculty of HLS)

  - BA Digital Media

  - BSc (Hons)Disaster Management and Emergency Planning (taught in Faculty of EEC)

  - BA (Hons) English

  - BA (Hons) Englishand Creative Writing

  - BA (Hons) Englishand Journalism

  - BA (Hons) Englishand TEFL

  - BA Games Art

  - BA (Hons)Geography (taught in Faculty of EEC)

  - BSc (Hons)Geography (taught in Faculty of EEC)

  - BSc (Hons)Geography and Natural Hazards (taught in Faculty of EEC)

  - BA (Hons) History

  - BA (Hons) Historyand Politics

  - BSc (Hons)International Disaster Management

  - LLB (Hons)International Law

  - BA (Hons)International Relations

  - BA (Hons)Journalism

  - LLB (Hons) Law

  - BA (Hons) Mediaand Communications

  - BA (Hons) Politics

  - BSc (Hons)Psychology (taught in Faculty of HLS)

  - BA (Hons)Sociology

  - BA (Hons)Sociology and Criminology

  - Bsc (Hons) Sportsand Exercise Psychology (taught in Faculty of HLS)

  Humanities andSocial Sciences人文和社会科学预科方向每年 2月-8月 可以签2学期半年STSV签证,适合学习年限接近2年的同学)

  4)Life Sciences生命科学预科方向

  - BSc (Hons) AdultNursing

  - BSc (Hons)Analytical Chemistry and Forensic Science

  - BSc (Hons)Biological and Forensic Science

  - BSc (Hons)Biomedical Science

  - BSc (Hons)Children and Young People's Nursing

  - BSc (Hons) Dieteticsand Human Nutrition

  - BSc (Hons)Forensic Investigations (taught in HLS)

  - BSc (Hons) HumanBiosciences

  - BSc (Hons)Learning Disabilities Nursing

  - BSc (Hons) Medicaland Pharmacological Sciences

  - BSc (Hons) MentalHealth Nursing

  - BSc (Hons)Nutrition and Health

  - BSc (Hons)Occupational Therapy

  - BSc (Hons)Paramedic Science

  - BSc (Hons)Physiotherapy

  - BSc (Hons) Sportand Exercise Science

  Life Sciences生命科学预科方向每年6月-12月 可以签2学期半年STSV签证,适合学习年限接近2年的同学)

  5)Art and Designand Media艺术和设计预科方向

  - BSc (Hons)Architecture

  - BSc (Hons)Architectural technology (taught in EEC)

  - BA (Hons)Automotive and Transport Design

  - BA (Hons) Fashion

  - BA (Hons) Fine Art

  - BA (Hons) Fine Art& Illustration

  - BA (Hons) GraphicDesign

  - BA (Hons) GamesArt

  - BA (Hons)Illustration & Animation

  - BA (Hons)Illustration & Graphics

  - BA (Hons) InteriorArchitecture and Design

  - BA (Hons) MediaProduction

  - BSc MusicTechnology

  - BA (Hons)Photography

  - MDes/BA (Hons)Product Design

  - BA(Hons) Theatreand Professional Practice



  Life Sciences生命科学 每年 6月-12月

  Business 2月-8月 、6月-12月、 11月-4月

  Engineering andSciences工程和科学 每年 2月-8月 6月-12月

  Humanities andSocial Sciences人文和社会科学 每年 2月-8月

  签证:Tier 4 or STSV 半年学生访问签

  如果走学生访问签不计入2-year Limit(18周岁以上 ,不能学习超过2年level6 以下级别课程)


  1)Business,Economics, Finance and Management and Law商务,经济,金融和管理国际大一方向可衔接考文垂大二的专业有:

  - BA (Hons)Accounting and Finance

  - BA (Hons) BusinessAdministration

  - BA (Hons) Businessand Finance

  - BA (Hons) Businessand Marketing

  - BA (Hons) EventManagement

  - BA (Hons)International Business

  - BA (Hons)International Business Management

  - BA (Hons) SportManagement

  2)Engineering andSciences工程和科学国际大一方向 General engineering (18th)全英专业排名第18可衔接的考文垂大二专业包括:

  - Beng/MEng (Hons)Automotive Engineering 工程学士学位 自动化工程

  - MEng/BEng (Hons)Mechanical Engineering 工程学士学位 机械工程

  - Meng/BEng (Hons)Motorsport Engineering 工程学士学位 赛车运动工程

  3)Humanities andSocial Sciences人文和社会科学方向国际大一可衔接考文垂的大二专业包括:

  - BSc (Hons) Psychology (taught in Faculty of HLS) 理学学士学位 心理学

  4)Art and Design艺术和设计国际大一方向Art and design (17th)全英专业排名第17可衔接考文垂大二的专业有:

  - BA (Hons) GraphicDesign文学学士学位 平面设计

  - BA (Hons)Illustration & Graphics 制图与绘图







  3学期:A Level或AS 48 UCAS分或同等学历;4学期:A Level或AS 40 UCAS分或同等学历;英国预科项目有一门核心课程40%或以上




  2.开学期 ,语言要求:


  3.5学期 雅思5.5(单科5.0)10.28-08.14


  5学期:雅思4.5(单科4.0)3.23 -第二年6月/ 06-第二年8月




  1)Business,Economics, Finance and Management and Law商务,经济,金融和管理硕士预科方向可衔接考文垂硕士

  - MSc Accounting& Financial Management

  - MA Advertising& Marketing

  - MSc Air TransportManagement (taught in EEC)

  - MA BrandManagement

  - MSc Banking &Finance

  - MSc BusinessAnalytics

  - MSc Business andOrganisational PsychologyDigital Marketing Management

  - MSc InternationalEvents Management

  - MSc Finance

  - MSc Financial RiskManagement

  - MSc FraudInvestigation Management

  - MA GlobalEntrepreneurship

  - MA Human ResourceManagement

  - MSc InternationalBusiness

  - MSc InternationalBusiness Economics

  - LLM InternationalBusiness Law

  - MSc InternationalBusiness Management

  - MSc InternationalEvents Management

  - MSc InternationalHuman Resource Management

  - MSc InternationalMarketing Management

  - MSc InvestmentManagement

  - LLM Law

  - MSc

  - LLM Oil, Gas andEnergy Law

  - MSc ProjectManagement

  - MSc SportManagement

  2)Humanities andSocial Sciences人文,法律和社会科学硕士预科方向可衔接考文垂硕士的专业有:

  - MSc Business andOrganisational Psychology

  - MA Communication,Culture and Media

  - MA Diplomacy, Lawand Global Change

  - MSc DisasterManagement and Resilience

  - MA EnglishLanguage Teaching and applied linguistics

  - MSc EmergencyManagement and Resilience

  - MSc Sustainabilityand Environmental Management

  - MA GlobalJournalism and Public Relations

  - MA InternationalRelations

  - MSc Petroleum andEnvironmental Technology

  - MA Terrorism,International Crime & Global Security

  3)Engineering andSciences工程和科学硕士预科可衔接考文垂硕士的专业有:

  - Msc AerospaceEngineering

  - MSc AutomotiveEngineering

  - MSc CivilEngineering

  - MSc ComputerScience

  - MSc ConstructionProject and Cost Management

  - MSc Electrical andElectronic Engineering

  - MSc Engineeringand Management

  - MSc EngineeringBusiness Management

  - MSc EngineeringProject Management

  - Management ofInformation Technology MSc

  - MSc ManagementInformation Systems

  - MSc Management ofInformation Technology

  - MSc AdvancedMechanical Engineering

  - MSc Oil and GasEngineering

  - MSc SoftwareDevelopment

  - MSc Supply ChainManagement

  4)Life Sciences生命科学硕士预科方向可衔接考文垂硕士的专业有:

  - MSc AppliedPsychology

  - MSc Business andOrganisational Psychology

  - MSc Biotechnology

  - MSc BiomedicalScience

  - MSc Global HealthCare Management

  - MSc MolecularBiology

  - MSc Pharmacologyand Drug Discovery

  - MSc Psychology

  - MSc Occupational Psychology

  - MSc ForensicPsychology

  - MSc HealthPsychology



  1. 学术要求:

  中国:三年大专,平均成绩65%+,四年学士学位,平均成绩60-65%(可接受自考学位、自考大专文凭)(具体情况需case by case); 2.5年大专,需两年相关背景工作经验。


  相关专业,三等及以上学位;如有三等学位申请,请case by case 同英国嘉瑞教育顾问老师咨询。


  2. 语言要求:

  1 学期:雅思6.0(单科5.5)

  2 学期:雅思5.5(单科5.0)

  3 学期和3.5 学期:雅思5.0(单科4.5)

  4 学期:雅思4.5(单科4.0)

  5 学期:雅思4.0(单科3.5)

  6 学期:雅思3.5(单科3.0)

  3. 开学期:每年1-9月

  4. 费用:5,000-31,000英镑(因学期不同而异)



  1. 入读要求:

  - 本科预科课程–雅思3.0分以上或同等水平

  - 硕士预科课程–雅思3.5分以上或同等水平

  - 如果英语水平在雅思4.0分或以上(或同等水平),可选择针对本科预科或硕士预科的预备课程。这些课程为时4或5个学期,包括英语语言专业课,随后是3个学期的主要课程。详情请咨询英国嘉瑞教育的顾问老师。

  - 年龄未满18岁的学生需安排监护

  2. 开学期:每年1-9月

