

康卡迪亚大学Concordia University投资管理硕士MBA in Investment Management 


  康卡迪亚大学位的投资管理硕士由加拿大工商金融律师界的领袖GOODMAN INSTITUTE INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT古文投资管理学院负责教授,该学院隶属于全球百强商学院之一的JOHN MOLSON 商学院。

  JOHN MOLSON 商学院是康卡迪亚大学旗下七个著名学院之一。JOHN MOLSON商学院是全球最高声誉的AACSB管理专业协会的会员。

  你是否向往获得商业管理研究生学位,又可同时考取特许金融分析师CFA(Certified Financial Analyst)职位呢?康卡迪亚大学的JOHN MOLSON商学院就为您提供了同时获得两项专业头衔培训的可能。如果你拥有这方面的学习背景、目标、眼光,想在投资管理方面取得成功,现在是报名的最佳时机!


l  提供正规大学研究生学位课程,一个课程两项头衔(工商管理硕士和特许金融分析师)

l  学校为第一年成绩优良的学生提供5000—25000加币的奖学金

l  位于加拿大金融中心,毕业生就业率非常高,学生毕业前就业率就达到70%

l  无工作经验要求

l  针对CFA三级考试的内容,提供系统、全面性脱产课程

l  针对CFA考试的一周考前强化课程

l  课程第三年提供1个学期的实习机会(Co-op)

l  令人骄傲的CFA考试通过率


--  四年制大学本科毕业,学士学位-不限专业,但必须学过线性代数及微积分且成绩优良

--  大学平均成绩75%(B)以上,

--  托福600或雅思6.5,GMAT成绩550分以上。




  Corporate Knights 2005, 2004

  JMSB ranked first in Quebec and second in Canada for teaching corporate responsibility in the Corporate Social Responsibility Survey of Canadian business schools published by Corporate Knights Magazine. This survey evaluates 34 Canadian business schools based on how well social and environmental impact management is integrated into their curricula.

  Financial Times of London 2005

  The John Molson MBA Program achieved second place in Quebec , 7th in Canada and 81st in the world in the 2005 Financial Times of London ranking of full-time global MBA programs. JMSB also attained the highest score in Canada and one of the highest in the world for “Aims Achieved” – a category which considers the extent to which alumni fulfil their goals or reasons for doing an MBA.

  In the Financial Times ranking of Executive MBA programs 2004, JMSB ranked third in Canada and number one in Quebec . Overall, we were ranked 43rd in the world. Among the other Canadian schools that made the rankings, the EMBA Program ranked first in the percentage of international faculty and international students.

  National Post 2005

  JMSB retained 5th place for the third consecutive year in the March 2005 edition of the National Post Business Magazine. The survey is based on the average GMAT score of entering MBA students in 36 Canadian MBA programs.

  Wall Street Journal 2004, 2003

  JMSB ranked in the top 100 business schools worldwide in the Wall Street Journal. Their Guide to the Top Business Schools is based on the characteristics that corporate recruiters consider most important.

  Economist 2003

  JMSB was ranked 96th among the world’s best full-time MBA programs by the Economist Intelligence Unit, and was one of only five Canadian schools to be included. The standing is based on a school’s ability to deliver the most important elements and is comprised wholly of student feedback.

  Forbes 2003

  JMSB ranked 18th among international schools and was one of only five Canadian business schools to be cited in Forbes Magazine’s Survey of the Best Business Schools. The Forbes survey measures the return-on-investment for MBA graduates.

