雅思G类考试写作Task 1官方指导教程

  雅思G类写作考试Task 1要求你向虚构的人或组织写一封信。写信的缘由和需要表达的内容都会提供给你。那你知道这封信该怎么写吗?




雅思G类考试写作Task 1官方指导教程

  Dear Sir or Madam,

  I signed up for the IELTS General Training exam and would like some advice about Task 1 letter writing.

  I have a lot of questions but I will start with asking about how to organize my ideas. I write lots of emails, but I am not sure if I can write a letter well. How do I know if my ideas are arranged correctly on the test?

  Your advice would be greatly appreciated.

  Yours faithfully,

  Mr. John Rochon

  Dear Mr. Rochon,

  Thank you for your letter. It would be my pleasure to help you prepare for the writing test.

  You are wise to ask about the format of the IELTS letter. You may write letters or emails everyday but the IELTS letter is part of an exam so it’s important to be clear about what is expected. Knowing the most effective way to organize your ideas will improve your score.

  The good news is that you already know a lot about the correct structure. In your letter to me, you began with a greeting. You used “Dear Sir or Madam” which was suitable because you did not know my name. You also ended with the complimentary closing “Yours faithfully” which signaled that the letter was finishing. Finally, to close, you ended with your signature. IELTS candidates lose points for forgetting these little details, so excellent work!

  Between the salutation and closing is the body of the letter and it is made up of short paragraphs that are organized simply and logically. In fact, if your letter focusses on each of the bullets from the task assignment in a separate paragraph, you can be sure that your letter will be easy to read.

  To help you a little more, I am providing you with some useful pointers for organization and a model letter.

  If you have more questions, please call me at my office and we will set up a face to face appointment.

  I hope you find this information useful and good luck with your exam.

  Yours sincerely,

  Mrs. Angela Rutherford


  1. 注意前后语句的逻辑关系。注意连接词句的使用。

      a. 使用顺序句式:To begin with . . . Finally, . . .

      b. 使用短语表达想法:The reason why I need time off . . . The solution to this problem is . . .

      c. 使用连接词表达对比、相似、原因: similarly, however, as a result

  2. 避免重复使用关键词。不要让人读起来觉得无聊或者累赘。尽量多展示你的词汇量。

      a. 使用近义词:the problem, this issue, these complications, another annoyance

      b. 使用代名词:she, them, these

  3. 题目要求的每个小点,都可以写成一个自然段。

      a. 段落首句应该与主题密切相关

      b. 将段首缩进或者段落中间用空行隔开。

  4. 信件开头到结尾的保持主题一致。



  You recently ordered a small item online but when it arrived it was unusable.

  Write a letter to the company that sold you the item:

  give details about the order you made

  explain what was wrong with the item

  tell the company what you want them to do about it.

  Dear Sir or Madam:

  Three weeks ago I ordered a cover for my Samsung phone from your online store. I was excited when it arrived but very disappointed to find that the product was poorly produced and unusable. I am hoping you will replace it.

  In relation to the specifics of the order, I purchased this leather wallet/phone case through your website called Phone Fun on January 14th using my PayPal account. The order number is 257380 and I am attaching a copy of my receipt.

  The issue with the cover is that the credit card pockets are sewn shut and I am unable to store my cards inside securely. The picture of the item on your website clearly shows cards safely stored in the little pouches so I’m sure this is a manufacturing flaw.

  As a solution, and because I really like the functionality of the cover, I am hoping that you will agree to send me another one for free. Otherwise, I would like a full refund and I will be contacting PayPal complaints if I do not hear back from you in regards to this within a week.

  Thank you for giving the matter your attention and I hope to hear your reply soon.

  Yours faithfully,

  Rebecca Smith

