留学党必备常识 美国大学的四种申请方式



  1、RD(Regular Decision),“常规录取”,指正常申请时期参加的普通申请,基本在每年1月1日或者1月15日截止申请,4月录取。

  Regular Decision: The vast majority of students who apply to a given institution will do so through Regular Decision, and they can apply Regular Decision to as many schools as they would like. While the application submission deadlines will vary between institutions, Regular Decision deadlines typically fall in early January, and offers of admission are sent out in late March or early April. These students will have until May 1 to either accept or decline their offers, and each student is only permitted to submit a matriculation fee (or fee waiver) to one of the institutions to which they have been admitted.

  2、RA(Rolling Admission),“滚动录取”,即没有固定截止日期。采取这种录取方式的学校,在收到申请人的申请材料后即开始审查,并决定是否录取,而不是等到申请日期截止后再统一审查,学校在收到申请材料后的几周内将申请结果通知申请人。

  Rolling admission :Under rolling admission, candidates are invited to submit their applications to the university anytime within a large window. The window is usually over six months long, and some schools do not have a previously specified end date (the window simply closes when all spots are filled). The university will then review the application and notify the applicant of their decision within a few weeks from submission.

  3、ED/EA(Early Decision/Action),“提前申请”,顾名思义,就是申请的截止时间会早于常规申请,一般在11月初截止,1月或2月出录取结果。EA不具约束力,申请EA的学生可以同时申请其他学校,但不能另一所学校的ED。ED是具有约束力的提前申请,申请人一旦被录取,就必须入读该学校。一旦向一所学校提出了ED,申请人就不能再享有向其他学校申请ED或EA,否则所有申请可能失效,学校有权取消学生的申请资格和入学资格。

  Early Action: Students who apply to a school Early Action will submit their applications before the regular deadline and will be informed of their admissions decisions soon after (typically in January or February). These students are not committed to their Early Action schools, and still have until May 1 to either accept or decline their offers of admission. Students who are not admitted Early Action may be “deferred” to the Regular Decision deadline, though these policies will vary between schools.

  Early Decision: Early Decision plans work very similarly to Early Action, in that students will submit their applications before the Regular Decision deadline and receive their admissions decisions soon after. The most significant difference between these two plans is that Early Decision is binding, which means that any student who applies and is admitted to a school through Early Decision is expected to enroll. Early Decision applications typically require some type of signed form (such as the Early Decision Agreement on the Common Application) that indicates this intention to enroll upon admission. If a student is admitted Early Decision, he or she is expected to withdraw all other applications and submit the matriculation fee (or fee waiver) upon receiving the offer.

  4、Open Admission,开放式录取,即申请者不受学历限制。这种自由招生政策一般在社区大学使用。


