



  1.What is this program you are going on?

  2.Where will you be living/stay in the US?

  3.What is the school district where you will be teaching?

  4.What school will you teach at?

  5.What will you do in the US?

  6.Do you want to work in the US?

  7.Who is sponsoring you?

  8.Why do you want to teach in the US?

  9.Have you been to the US before?

  10.Do you have any relatives living in the US?

  11.Did you ever travel internationally before?

  12.When do you plan to travel?

  13.What is your job in China?

  14.Will you return to China after your program?

  15.How can you assure me that you will come back?

  16.How long are you planning to stay in the US?

  17.Why do you want to travel to the US?

  18.What are your resources to pay for your expenses while in the US?

  19.Will you take a job to earn more money?

  20.What arrangements have you made for your spouse (and children) during your absence?


  21.Will your spouse (or child) accompany you? Visit you?

  22.What will you do after you return to your home country?

  23. Who is your employer? Which state is it in?

  24. What will you do in the employer? = What is your job title? = Would you please tell me the daily work of you in this employer?

  25. How long will you work in one week?

  26. How about your payment? = What is your salary?

  27. What is your payment schedule? = How often can you get your pay?

  28. Will you be provided a house to live in? Who will arrange the accommodation for you? Is your housing far from your worksite? If yes, will the transportation be available? Does your sponsor provide your transportation? 29.How much is your rent? = How much do you pay for your housing?

  30.How do they charge your housing rent, deducted from your salary or you pay it separately?

  31.Do you have the housing deposit? Is it refundable?

  32.Do you have training before you start to work in USA? 33.How do you think about American Film?Which film do you like?


  1. 熟悉自己的材料,Sponsor和雇主及工作地点。

  2. 带齐所有材料!提前30分钟抵达美领馆。(材料由上往下,依次放一张最近六个月内的签证照、预约单打印件、DS160确认页打印件、护照原件、DS2023原件、SEVIS收据、job offer、在校证明/财产证明、学校成绩单,学校介绍等辅助材料)所有资料最好放在透明的文件夹里。

  3. 美领馆个人物品手机等是不允许带入的,一般美领馆附近会有寄包处,记得去之前网上查询好,如果没有查询好,可以提前半小时,抵达询问保安或者工作人员寄包处。

  4. 有礼貌的回答面签官的问题,态度认真,面带微笑,不要显得无所谓或者回答问题很犹豫。

  5. 具体问题并没有一个固定的范围,面签官可能即兴问你一些他对你好奇的问题,如实回答即可。面签官大多会选择用英文提问,如果没有听懂问题,有礼貌的要求对方再说一遍。也有面签官会选择用中文提问,那你用中文回答即可。

  6. J1签证不难取得,大家不要紧张,但是也不可不重视,预祝大家大家顺利取得签证!





