



  Financial Markets and Securities 金融市场和证券(1.5学分)

  Software Engineering for Finance 金融软件工程(1.5学分)

  Numerical Methods for Finance 金融数值方法(3学分)

  Probability and Stochastic Processes for Finance I 金融中的概率与随机过程Ⅰ(3学分)

  Capstone Project and Presentation 顶点课程(3学分)



  Fundamentals of Trading 交易基础(1.5学分)

  Statistics for Finance 金融统计(1.5学分)

  Linear and Quadratic Optimization Techniques 线性和二次优化技术(1.5学分)

  Market and Credit Risk Management 市场与信用风险管理(3学分)

  Elements of Structured Finance 结构化融资要素(3学分)

  Numerical Methods for Finance II 金融数值方法II(3学分)

  Asset Allocation and Portfolio Management 资产配置和投资组合管理(3学分)

  Probability and Stochastic Processes for Finance II 金融的概率与随机过程II(3学分)

  Volatility Filtering and Estimation 波动率滤波与估计(1.5学分)

  Model Review for Quantitative Models in Finance 金融量化模型的模型评价(1.5学分)

  Commodities and Futures Trading 商品及期货交易(1.5学分)

  Modeling and Market Making in Foreign Exchange 外汇建模与做市(1.5学分)

  Time Series Analysis and Algorithmic Trading 时间序列分析与算法交易(3学分)

  Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management 高级风险和投资组合管理(3学分)

  Advanced Computational Methods in Finance 金融学高级计算方法(3学分)

  Interest Rate Models and Interest Rate Derivatives 利率模型和利率衍生品(3学分)

  The Volatility Surface 波动率曲面(3学分)

  Credit Risk Models 信用风险模型(3学分)

  Interest Rate Models 利率模型(3学分)

  Market Microstructure Models 市场微观结构模型(3学分)

  Current Topics in Mathematical Finance 数学金融的前沿课题(3学分)

  Fixed Income Risk Management 固定收益风险管理(1.5学分)

  Structured Security Valuation in the Primary Market(1.5学分) 初级市场结构性证券估值

  Emerging Markets and Inflation Modeling 新兴市场与通货膨胀模型(1.5学分)

  Blockchain Technologies in Finance 金融领域的区块链技术(1.5学分)

  Introduction to Applied Financial Econometrics 应用金融计量学概论(1.5学分)

  Time Series Analysis 时间序列分析(1.5学分)

  Algorithmic Trading 算法交易(1.5学分)

  Behavioral Finance 行为金融学(1.5学分)

  Systematic Trading 系统交易(1.5学分)

  Data Science in Finance I: Big Data in Finance 金融数据科学I:金融大数据(1.5学分)

  Data Science in Finance II: Machine Learning 金融数据科学2:机器学习(1.5学分)

  Independent Study – Internship 独立学习-实习(1.5学分)

  Statistical Data Analysis 统计数据分析(1.5学分)

  Advanced Data Analysis 高级数据分析(1.5学分)

  Big Data Technologies 大数据技术(3学分)


  (Term I) Econometrics I 计量经济学Ⅰ(3学分)

  (Term II) Financial Econometrics 金融计量经济学(3学分)

  Financial Markets and Institutions 金融市场和机构(3学分)

  Futures and Forward Markets 期货和远期市场(3学分)

  Investment Analysis 投资分析(3学分)

  International Financial Markets 国际金融市场(3学分)

  Seminar in Finance 金融研讨会(3学分)

  Advanced Investment Analysis 高级投资分析(3学分)

  Options Markets 期权市场(3学分)

  Modern Regression Analysis 现代回归分析(3学分)

  Time Series: Forecasting and Statistical Modeling 时间序列:预测与统计建模(3学分)


  Research Analyst 研究分析师

  Risk Quant Analyst 风险分析师

  Pricing and Analytics Analyst 定价分析师

  Investment Banking (Strategy)Analyst 投资分析师(战略分析师)

  Sales, Trading & Quantitative Analysis 销售/定量分析师

  Quant Strategist 股市战略家

  Risk Management Analyst 风险分析师

  Business Analyst; Market Risk Analyst 商业分析师/市场风险分析师

  Fixed Income Analyst固定收益分析员

  Valuation and Risk Control Associate估值和风险控制指导

  Market Risk Group Associate市场分析顾问

  Global Financial Risk Management Analyst 金融风险管理分析员

  Quantitative Risk Analyst 风险量化分析员

