芝加哥大学本科申请 IDP详解最新申请文书及补充文书

  美国本科申请文书是最重要的一个环节,除了Common Application申请系统中的通用文书之外,很多美国大学为了能够更全面的了解申请者,需要申请者提供Writing Supplement,也就我们所谓的补充文书和附加文书。在这些院校独立命题的小文书中,往往会涉及到你选择申请目标院校的原因,你觉得你会为申请的院校做出怎样贡献等等。之前IDP君已经为大家科普了美国留学文书筹备解读及写作指导

  在众多美国大学中,芝加哥大学的文书题目一向以趣味性和独特另类著称,创意题目十分考验学生对于题目的理解力,让申请者们又爱又恨。 上周末,芝加哥大学官网公布了2023-2023申请季的附表文书题目。芝加哥大学介绍说:每年我们都会向新录取的和当前的大学生发送电子邮件,并向他们询问论文主题。我们收到了数百个回复,其中许多都是雄辩的,有趣的,或者是彻头彻尾的古怪。


  Question 1 (Required)

  How does the University of Chicago, as you know it now, satisfy your desire for a particular kind of learning, community, and future? Please address with some specificity your own wishes and how they relate to UChicago.


   Question 2: Extended Essay (Required; Choose one)

  Essay Option 1

  Cats have nine lives, Pac-Man has 3 lives, and radioactive isotopes have half-lives. How many lives does something else—conceptual or actual—have, and why?


  —Inspired by Kedrick Shin, Class of 2023

  Essay Option 2

  If there’s a limited amount of matter in the universe, how can Olive Garden (along with other restaurants and their concepts of food infinity) offer truly unlimited soup, salad, and breadsticks? Explain this using any method of analysis you wish—physics, biology, economics, history, theology… the options, as you can tell, are endless.


  —Inspired by Yoonseo Lee, Class of 2023

  Essay Option 3

  A hot dog might be a sandwich, and cereal might be a soup, but is a ______ a ______?


  —Inspired by Arya Muralidharan, Class of 2023 (and dozens of others who, this year and in past years, have submitted the question “Is a hot dog a sandwich,” to which we reply, “maybe”)

  Essay Option 4

  “Fiction reveals truth that reality obscures.” – Jessamyn West


  —Inspired by Elizabeth Mansfield, Class of 2023

  Essay Option 5

  UChicago has international campus centers around the world, but we don’t have any interplanetary, interstellar, or interdimensional campuses… yet! Propose a spot in time or space, in this or any universe, for a new UChicago campus. What types of courses would be taught at this site? What cultural experiences await students who study there?


  —Inspired by Peter Jasperse, Class of 2023

  Essay Option 6

  “Don’t be afraid to pick past prompts! I liked some of the ones from previous years more than those made newly available for my year. Also, don’t worry about the ‘correct’ way to interpret a question. If there exists a correct way to interpret the prompt I chose, it certainly was not my answer.”


  —Matthew Lohrs, Class of 2023

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  • 美国本科
  • 美国文书
  • 芝加哥大学
  • 常春藤大学
  • 美国申请文书
