


  No.1 悉尼大学

  Master of Architecture 建筑学硕士

  · 学制:2年

  · 雅思:7.0(6.0)

  · 托福:96(读、听和口语17,写19)

  · GPA要求:65%(针对澳洲当地的学生录取要求)

  · 录取要求:

  · 相关建筑背景专业,并提供作品集以及展示实践经历


  1、Your work should include the best projects created during your undergraduate degree (English translation, if required), to display your skills as a designer, as well as design communication skills.


  2、A portfolio showcasing your academic work and/or work experience. Students who have current work experience can include group projects on which they have contributed, ensuring they clearly outline the tasks and input they had in the work.



  3、Submit one portfolio for review and title the documents with labels that indicate their contents.


  Portfolios should be no longer than 15 digital A3 or A4 pages, saved in PDF format under 10Mb in file size, and clearly labelled ‘Portfolio’ with your University of Sydney application number and full name.


  No.2 墨尔本大学

  Master of Architecture 建筑学硕士

  · 学制:2年/3年

  · 雅思:6.5(6.0)

  · 托福:79(读13、听13、口语18,写21)

  · 均分要求:985-75%, 211-80%, 双非85%

  · 2年制录取要求:

  · 相关建筑背景专业,提供作品集,个人陈述

  · 3年制录取要求:

  · 任何专业背景的学士学位,在本科期间有完成一科关于建筑、艺术等相关学科,提供作品集,个人陈述

  Design portfolio requirements

  The specific requirements for the design portfolio for the Master of Architecture 3 Year program are as follows:


  · 10-20 page limit 限制10-20页

  · 2-4 projects 2-4个作品方案

  Portfolios should be drawn largely from the design studio subject you have completed as a prerequisite for entry into the Master of Architecture 3 Year program.


  The Selection Committee will look for evidence that you have worked successfully in an appropriate studio learning environment for introductory design, though the Selection Committee will be particularly interested in the exploration of 3D objects and spaces as well as evidence of other creative or professional work.


  Portfolio format for applicants who are eligible for credit allowed under the Resolution on Selection.(针对符合录取要求的申请人)

  · The design portfolio is assessed digitally and must be saved as one PDF file in landscape format.


  · The file size of the portfolio should not exceed 10 MB, and the number of pages should not exceed 15 pages.

  作品集的文件大小不应超过10 MB,页数不应超过15-20页,包括封面和内容

  · Note that as portfolios are evaluated digitally images should be reproduced at a sufficient scale and resolution to be easily readable with limited zooming or scrolling.


  · Elaborate formats that reduce the available page space for the design images should be avoided. The design portfolio should focus on design work rather than, for example, life or still-life drawing skills. Portfolios should be drawn largely from the design studio subjects the applicant has completed.

  应避免使用精巧的格式来减少设计图像的可用页面空间。设计作品集应专注于设计工作而不是类似于生活或静物的绘画技巧。 作品集需来自申请人已完成的设计主题

  · Applicants submitting work done in the context of employment should explain their role in the work produced with brief notes. It would be helpful to see a variety of techniques of drawings and images: free hand diagrams, computer images, two-dimensional (plans, sections, elevations) and three-dimensional studies, photographs of physical models.




  No.3 皇家墨尔本理工大学

  Master of Architecture 建筑学硕士

  · 学制:2年

  · 雅思:6.5(6.0)

  · 托福:79(读13、听12、口语18,写21)

  · 录取要求:

  · 相关建筑学专业背景并成绩达到要求


  · 提供作品集:内容应包括个人创意/设计项目的图像,图纸,草图,绘画,模型,照片,计算机工作等包,以及最终设计作品的概念/想法。数字作品集必须格式化为A3或A4大小的PDF文档,最多30页,文件大小不得超过10MB

  · 提供个人陈述,概述申请该专业的计划

  · 提供个人简历,包括你个人的信息,学术成就以及专业知识

  · 要求面试,通过录制的方式,回答两个部分问题

  · 第一个部分:介绍自己以及目前的状态(学习、工作还是旅游);为什么要选择RMIT的建筑专业(要求时长1分钟)

  · 第二个部分:描述创造作品的概念以及想法,包括影响设计思路的参考资料或项目;描述如何将这想法跟概念设计成一份作品并敲定完稿。


  Master of Architecture 建筑学硕士

  · 学制:2年

  · 雅思:7.0(6.0)

  · 托福:94(读、听和口语23,写25)

  · 均分要求:985/211-72%, 双非80%

  · 录取要求:

  · 相关建筑背景专业

  · 提供作品集


  The portfolio should include sample works from various stages of the applicant's undergraduate degree, text should accompany all drawings/images to explain the projects. The portfolio must be in digital format.


